Above & Beyond Articles
Aged Care Leadership development program

Get your employees from just surviving to THRIVING!

The Aged care sector is experiencing change like never before and these changes continue to impact individual employees as well as their organisation.

Additional workloads, staff shortages and changing legislation have contributed to an increasingly tense, fatigued workforce.  

Employees in this (our) valuable sector feel like they’re constantly fire fighting and reacting to change. They’re surviving but only just. Instead, how can we help our aged care workforce to thrive through change?

Change Management

Change management is a collective term given to various strategies and tools designed to prepare, support, and help individuals and teams during times of change.

Drivers of change in an organisation include:

  • The ongoing evolution of technology
  • Internal process reviews
  • Crisis response
  • Customer demand
  • Competitive pressure
  • Acquisition and mergers
  • Restructuring

Effective individual change management means understanding how people experience change and what they need to change successfully.

It also requires knowing what will help people make a successful transition, consider:

  • What messages people need to hear
  • When is the best time to introduce changes
  • Who should deliver the information 
  • When’s the optimal time to teach someone a new skill 
  • how to coach people to demonstrate new behaviours; and 
  • what helps embed new behaviours in the workplace

Surviving to Thriving in Change (S2TiC)

The Surviving to Thriving in Change program is offered as part of a broader Professional Development Program designed to help individuals, teams, and businesses successfully manage organisational change.

Managers who are struggling with change benefit from S2Tic because they gain an insight into their own challenges as well as through the lens of others and of their organisation, before they cascade changes to their team.

The program is designed to empower operational staff to deal effectively with unexpected changes using recognised change management models. The course content is aligned with the Care Industry Leadership Capability Framework and consistent with the Aged Care Quality Standards.

The change program is presented in the four modules, each with their own learning outcomes:

Program Modules for surviving to thriving in change

What participants will learn:

Immediately actionable takeaways and strategies to help them manage change.

• Learn about change and transition models that can be applied to their situation
• Use a series of questions to co-design, with a partner, (either in or outside of own organisation) their role and responsibilities in the selected organisational change process.
• Explore emotional elements that are required to build trust and positive relationships with self and others in change
• Craft several key messages to demonstrate preparation for change

• Learn how to use the Continue, Start, Stop, Change model with your team in the workplace
• Use a series of questions, with a partner, to create personal action plan against each identified unexpected change in the selected organisational change process.
• Set a commitment using the Michael Bungay Stanier ‘The Coaching Habit
approach’ of:
when I…
Instead of…
I will… 

• Learn how to use moods to alter perceptions held by self and others towards change
• Explore how collaborative engaged teams can be enhanced through active reflective listening
• Share with a partner your progress on putting one item of your plan of action into place
• Using a series of questions, with a partner, visualise 2 alternative possibilities for your change plan 

• Using the model C.A.L.M to give and receive clarity through feedback
• Use a 4-step coaching process to create focused conversations that result in clear agreements and action
• Review your individual enemies and allies of accountability for your change situation
• Use a series of questions, with a partner, to review your progress in the transition and change situation you have worked on

Surviving to Thriving in change is presented by trained accredited performance and leadership coaches.

The modules can be delivered:

  • Face to face
  • Online

We also offer further individual coaching as an option to embed and sustain learning beyond the training room.

What is the benefit?

  • Tailored to suit a range of learning styles
  • Pre and post survey to evaluate learning outcomes
  • Individuals engage more readily in the change process
  • Mindset shift from fear and worry to seeing change as positive and manageable
  • Efficient, more manageable workdays

Is your organisation ready for change?

The S2Tic program is a practical way you can support your workforce to keep them thriving, ready and willing for change.

Contact us to find out more about delivery options and pricing. 

Arlene Quinn
Performance & Transformative Leadership Coach

M  0402 272 868
E   arlene@aboveandbeyondgroup.com.au 

Arlene has studied people to people communication over the last 30 years, obtaining a Master of Commerce, and other tertiary qualifications in adult learning, human resource development, and coaching. She provides individual, and group coaching for executives, managers and teams using her skills in performance and transformative leadership coaching.

Laura Sutherland
Director & Founder

M  0410 360 679
E   laura@aboveandbeyondgroup.com.au 

Laura is a Workforce specialist, Leadership and Career Coach with a background in Psychology. Considered the go-to trusted advisor on workforce challenges in our industry, Laura partners with clients to understand their specific challenges and tailor the most effective and sustainable solutions. Her core professional purpose is to improve and future proof Aged Care & Community Services by supporting organisations to develop the potential within their people.