12th-14th Oct 2022 | Adelaide Convention Centre
We all need to play our part in the transformation of the aged care sector, and put into effect the change we want to see.
We’re so excited to join over 1000 people to network and hear from the incredible speakers ACCPA have lined-up. The program will provide insights and stimulate thought-provoking discussions about current reform opportunities and challenges facing the aged and community care sector.
You don’t want to miss out!
Find out more about Laura’s presentation here.
And register here.
How do you become an Employer of Choice, to attract and retain top quality talent, given the current competitive climate? As an Employer, you need to have the WOW FACTOR.
The Aged & Community Care Providers Association’s (ACCPA) National Conference in Adelaide is just over 2 weeks away, and Laura Sutherland will be presenting a How-To Guide for being an Employer of choice in Aged Care.
The conference theme ‘It’s Up To Us’ reflects the commitment all of us at The Above & Beyond Group | 3D Recruit have in supporting organisation’s to develop their people – so that our whole industry can flourish into the future.