The common challenges for Leaders in Aged Care…and their solutions!

Practical solutions to support our Aged Care Leaders It may not surprise those working in Aged Care that we are seeing several common ‘pain points’ being highlighted by our leadership groups. The Above & Beyond Group have been busy turning industry workforce data into practical solutions to support our Aged Care Leaders. The data highlights that […]
Creating Cultures: strategies that make yours an employer of choice!

Learning Bites: Strategies for Fostering an Employer of Choice Culture Workforce planning is more than ‘attraction, recruitment, and retention. It is a holistic application of ‘new thinking’ and ‘practical strategies’ that foster an employer-of-choice-culture. In this climate of skills shortages, employers of choice are creating cultures that embrace, empower, and provide meaningful engagement. Workers in these […]
Trying to find top talent in Aged Care – The struggle is real!

We are seeing more vacancies in aged care than ever before. It has been estimated that the aged care workforce will need to grow from around “366,000 to 980,000 by 2050 to meet the needs of the increasing numbers of older Australians”. Add to the mix, we’re seeing larger exit rates from the industry. Needless […]
Can you truly improve leadership if you don’t measure it with CILCA 360?

The Royal Commission into Aged Care tells us that “Good leadership and culture are a necessary foundation for workforce development and growth”. It also highlighted the “Lack of investment in staff and, in particular, staff training… despite best intentions, aged care workers simply do not have the requisite time, knowledge, skill and support to deliver high quality […]
Are your leaders ready? Develop them with CILCA

Are your leaders ready: To implement the royal commission findings To meet the new quality standards To implement the workforce strategy findings? In the current climate, its safe to say that leadership is in the spotlight. It’s under scrutiny. We expect that the Aged Care Royal Commission will be pretty scathing of current leadership in […]